Building stream processing applications for Apache Kafka using KSQL

A presentation at Copenhagen Kafka Meetup in in Copenhagen, Denmark by Robin Moffatt

Apache Kafka is a de facto standard streaming data processing platform, being widely deployed as a messaging system, and having a robust data integration framework (Kafka Connect) and stream processing API (Kafka Streams) to meet the needs that common attend real-time message processing. But there’s more!

KSQL is a declarative, SQL-like stream processing language that lets you easily define powerful stream-processing applications. What once took some moderately sophisticated Java code can now be done at the command line with a familiar and eminently approachable syntax.

Filtering one stream of data into another, creating derived columns, even joining two topics together—it’s all possible with KSQL. Come to this talk for a thorough overview of KSQL. There’ll be plenty of live coding on streaming data to illustrate clearly KSQL’s awesome power!


The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.

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