Kafka as a Platform: the Ecosystem from the Ground Up

A presentation at Kafka Summit London 2022 in April 2022 in London, UK by Robin Moffatt

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Kafka as a Platform: the Ecosystem from the Ground Up Robin Moffatt @rmoff #kafkasummit

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EVENTS @rmoff

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EVENTS @rmoff

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• • EVENTS d e n e p p a h g n i h t e Som d e n e p p a h t a Wh

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Human generated events A Sale A Stock movement @rmoff

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Machine generated events Networking IoT Applications @rmoff

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EVENTS y r e v ^ are POWERFUL @rmoff

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LOG @rmoff

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Immutable Event Log Old New Events are added at the end of the log @rmoff

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TOPICS @rmoff

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Topics Clicks Orders Customers Topics are similar in concept to tables in a database @rmoff

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Partitions Clicks p0 P1 P2 Messages are guaranteed to be strictly ordered within a partition @rmoff

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PUB / SUB @rmoff

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PUB / SUB @rmoff

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Producing data Old New Messages are added at the end of the log @rmoff

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package main import ( “gopkg.in/confluentinc/confluent-kafka-go.v1/kafka” ) func main() { topic := “test_topic” p, _ := kafka.NewProducer(&kafka.ConfigMap{ “bootstrap.servers”: “localhost:9092”}) defer p.Close() p.Produce(&kafka.Message{ TopicPartition: kafka.TopicPartition{Topic: &topic, Partition: 0}, Value: []byte(“Hello world”)}, nil) }

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Producing to Kafka - No Key Time Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4 Messages will be batched and randomly distributed across the partitions @rmoff

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Producing to Kafka - With Key Time Partition 1 A Partition 2 B hash(key) % numPartitions = N Partition 3 C Partition 4 D @rmoff

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Producers • A client application • Puts messages into topics • Handles partitioning, network protocol • Java, Go, .NET, C/C++, Python • Also every other language Plus REST proxy if not @rmoff

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PUB / SUB @rmoff

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Consuming data - access is only sequential Read to offset & scan Old New @rmoff

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Consumers have a position of their own Old Victoria is here New Scan @rmoff

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Consumers have a position of their own Old Victoria is here New Scan Tim is here Scan @rmoff

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Consumers have a position of their own Rick is here Scan Old Victoria is here New Scan Tim is here Scan @rmoff

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c, _ := kafka.NewConsumer(&cm) defer c.Close() c.Subscribe(topic, nil) for { select { case ev := <-c.Events(): switch ev.(type) { case *kafka.Message: km := ev.(*kafka.Message) fmt.Printf(“✅ Message ‘%v’ received from topic ‘%v’\n”, string(km.Value), string(*km.TopicPartition.Topic)) } } }

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Consuming From Kafka - Single Consumer Partition 1 App1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Multiple Consumers Partition 1 A1 1 App Partition 2 Partition 3 App2 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Grouped Consumers Partition 1 A App 1 App11 Partition 2 Partition 3 App2 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Grouped Consumers Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 C1 C2 App1 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Grouped Consumers Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 C1 C2 App1 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Grouped Consumers Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 C1 3 App1 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consuming From Kafka - Grouped Consumers Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 C1 3 App1 Partition 4 @rmoff

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Consumers • A client application App App11 A App2 • Reads messages from topics • Horizontally, elastically scalable (if stateless) • Java, Go, .NET, C/C++, Python, everything else Plus REST proxy if not @rmoff

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Leader Partition Leadership and Replication Follower Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 4 Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 @rmoff

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Leader Partition Leadership and Replication Follower Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 4 Partition 4 Partition 4 Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 @rmoff

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Leader Partition Leadership and Replication Follower Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 1 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 2 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 3 Partition 4 Partition 4 Partition 4 Broker 1 Broker 2 Broker 3 @rmoff

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So far, this is Pretty good @rmoff

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So far, this is Pretty good but I’ve not finished yet… @rmoff

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Streaming Pipelines Amazon S3 RDBMS HDFS @rmoff

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Streaming Integration with Kafka Connect syslog Sources Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers @rmoff

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Streaming Integration with Kafka Connect Amazon Sinks Google Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers @rmoff

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Streaming Integration with Kafka Connect Amazon syslog Google Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers @rmoff

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Look Ma, No Code! { “connector.class”: “io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector”, “connection.url”: “jdbc:mysql://asgard:3306/demo”, “table.whitelist”: “sales,orders,customers” } @rmoff

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Extensible Connector Transform(s) Converter @rmoff

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hub.confluent.io @rmoff

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K V ? s i h t s ’ t a h w … t i a W

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Lack of schemas – Coupling teams and services 2001 2001 Citrus Heights-Sunrise Blvd Citrus_Hghts 60670001 3400293 34 SAC Sacramento SV Sacramento Valley SAC Sacramento County APCD SMA8 Sacramento Metropolitan Area CA 6920 Sacramento 28 6920 13588 7400 Sunrise Blvd 95610 38 41 56 38.6988889 121 16 15.98999977 -121.271111 10 4284781 650345 52 @rmoff

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Serialisation & Schemas JSON Avro Protobuf Schema JSON CSV @rmoff

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Serialisation & Schemas JSON Avro Protobuf Schema JSON CSV 👍 👍 👍 😬 https://rmoff.dev/qcon-schemas @rmoff

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Schemas Schema Registry Topic producer … consumer @rmoff

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A Consumer 1 Consumer @rmoff

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A1 Consumer Consumer @rmoff

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{ @rmoff

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.stream(“widgets”, Consumed.with(stringSerde, widgetsSerde)) .filter( (key, widget) -> widget.getColour().equals(“RED”) ) .to(“widgets_red”, Produced.with(stringSerde, widgetsSerde));

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A1 Consumer Consumer @rmoff

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Streams A1 App Streams App @rmoff

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Stream Processing with ksqlDB Stream: widgets ksqlDB CREATE STREAM widgets_red AS SELECT * FROM widgets WHERE colour=’RED’; Stream: widgets_red @rmoff

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{ @rmoff

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ksqlDB or Kafka Streams? @rmoff Photo by Ramiz Dedaković on Unsplash

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Standing on the Shoulders of Streaming Giants ksqlDB Powered by Ease of use ksqlDB UDFs Kafka Streams Powered by Producer, Consumer APIs Flexibility @rmoff

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Summary @rmoff

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K V @rmoff

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K V @rmoff

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The Log @rmoff

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Producer Consumer The Log @rmoff

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Producer Consumer The Log Connectors @rmoff

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Producer Consumer The Log Connectors Streaming Engine @rmoff

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Apache Kafka Producer Consumer The Log Connectors Streaming Engine @rmoff

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Producer Security Schema Registry Consumer The Log Streaming Engine ksqlDB REST Proxy Connectors Confluent Control Center

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F2 00 OF RM Free money! (additional $200 towards your bill 😄 ) Fully Managed Kafka as a Service fl fl

  • T&C: https://www.con uent.io/con uent-cloud-promo-disclaimer

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s e l c i t r a eep-dive D • • • • • ka? f a K e ds h c n a e r p T A d s i e lat e R What . s v g min a e per r e t e S K t o n o e Z v E ut o h t i w fka a a K k f n a i K s : e t f ante KRa r a u G & ns o i t c a s n a Tr ge a r o t S & ng Processi tals n e m a d Fun • • • • • e c n a m r o f r Kafka Pe a k f a K e v i t ms e t s y S Cloud-na e s ba a t a D g n Streami fka a K e h c a p ls a n Testing A r e t n I s fka’ a K e r o l Exp • • • • • Over 10 Apache K afka 101 Kafka Co nnect 10 1 Kafka Str eams 101 ksqlDB 1 01 Inside ks qlDB hours of • • • • f ree cou rses Spring F ramewo rk and K Building afka Data Pip elines wi Event So th Kafka urcing w ith Kafka Data Me sh 101 Plus: Hands-on Quick Starts and Client Language Guides + Event Streaming Patterns + More fl developer.con uent.io

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#EOF @rmoff rmoff.dev/talks youtube.com/rmoff